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Tecoma Gaudichaudi, Yellow Bells is a species of flowering perennial shrub in the trumpet vine family. Yellow trumpet bush is an attractive plant that is cultivated as an ornamental. The flowers are bright yellow in color, 2 inches long with trumpet shape, and hang in showy clusters at the branch tips and forks, bending the twigs into arches with their weight, hence the name Yellow Bells. The blooms appear in flushes throughout the growing season. The plant produces pods containing yellow seeds with papery wings. Yellow Bell is recommended to create shade and good for hedges and borders.
Growing tips:
- Need Full sun(minimum 4 to 6 hours).
- Moderate Watering.
- To maintain the shape of shrubs, prune long or unruly branches back to a side branch or bud with sharp pruning shears.
- Will grow in all soils and moderate weather and any organic fertilizer works well.
Tecoma Gaudichaudi, Yellow Bells is a species of flowering perennial shrub in the trumpet vine family. Yellow trumpet bush is an attractive plant that is cultivated as an ornamental. The flowers are bright yellow in color, 2 inches long with trumpet shape, and hang in showy clusters at the branch tips and forks, bending the twigs into arches with their weight, hence the name Yellow Bells. The blooms appear in flushes throughout the growing season. The plant produces pods containing yellow seeds with papery wings. Yellow Bell is recommended to create shade and good for hedges and borders.
Growing tips:
- Need Full sun(minimum 4 to 6 hours).
- Moderate Watering.
- To maintain the shape of shrubs, prune long or unruly branches back to a side branch or bud with sharp pruning shears.
- Will grow in all soils and moderate weather and any organic fertilizer works well.
Height 6" to 10"
Spread 3" to 4"
Pot Size 5" Nursery Pot
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