Huernia Zebrina

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Product Description


Huernia zebrina (a.k.a. Owl eyes) is a low-growing perennial succulent species more or less creeping, occasionally forming mats. It is one of the most beautiful flowering hernias and very popular in cultivation for its odd blooms. It has a raised, glossy, wine-red ring or 'annulus' around the mouth of the corolla tube. The corolla varies in size and is usually patterned with wine-red zebra stripes which vary conspicuously in color intensity. One of the so-called “lifebuoy” hernias because of the glossy raised annulus.

Huernias grow best between 50 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. They can tolerate down to 40 degrees Fahrenheit when dormant if they are kept dry and temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit if not in full sun.

Product Description

Huernia zebrina (a.k.a. Owl eyes) is a low-growing perennial succulent species more or less creeping, occasionally forming mats. It is one of the most beautiful flowering hernias and very popular in cultivation for its odd blooms. It has a raised, glossy, wine-red ring or 'annulus' around the mouth of the corolla tube. The corolla varies in size and is usually patterned with wine-red zebra stripes which vary conspicuously in color intensity. One of the so-called “lifebuoy” hernias because of the glossy raised annulus.

Huernias grow best between 50 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. They can tolerate down to 40 degrees Fahrenheit when dormant if they are kept dry and temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit if not in full sun.


Height 3"-4"

Spread 2"-3"

Pot Size 3" Nursery pot