Garlic Vine - Creeper

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Product Description


Native to South America, Garlic Vine is one of the most rewarding, flowering vines that you can grow. Interestingly enough it smells like garlic. However, it doesn't smell if the plant is left alone, only when the leaves are crushed. It can either be described as a shrub or a vine since it produces numerous woody vines from the root that grows only 2-3 m tall and form a shrub-like appearance. It produces bright green leaves up to 15 cm long. Its compact habitat and pretty continuous flowers make it a popular ornamental plant in gardens in the tropics. Flowering twice a year you will find it quite often covered with flowers. Flowers start off purple with white throat and change to a lighter shade of lavender with age. Eventually fading to almost white. You will see 3 different colors of flowers at the same time on the plant. It can be grown in containers and should be trimmed after the flowers are gone.

Garlic vine uses in herbal medicine systems, where it is used as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic and anti-pyretic

Product Description

Native to South America, Garlic Vine is one of the most rewarding, flowering vines that you can grow. Interestingly enough it smells like garlic. However, it doesn't smell if the plant is left alone, only when the leaves are crushed. It can either be described as a shrub or a vine since it produces numerous woody vines from the root that grows only 2-3 m tall and form a shrub-like appearance. It produces bright green leaves up to 15 cm long. Its compact habitat and pretty continuous flowers make it a popular ornamental plant in gardens in the tropics. Flowering twice a year you will find it quite often covered with flowers. Flowers start off purple with white throat and change to a lighter shade of lavender with age. Eventually fading to almost white. You will see 3 different colors of flowers at the same time on the plant. It can be grown in containers and should be trimmed after the flowers are gone.

Garlic vine uses in herbal medicine systems, where it is used as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic and anti-pyretic


Pot Size - 6" Nursery Pot

Plant Size - 8" to 10"