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Dracaena is a popular houseplant with origins in Madagascar and other Indian Ocean islands. The origin of the plant name comes from the ancient Greek word drakaina or “female dragon,” due to a red gum-like resin in the stems of dracaena that was likened to dragon blood. It is a strongly upright plant that tends to drop its lower leaves, exposing the stalk as it ages. This plant should be grown in bright indirect sunlight, but is known to tolerate lower light levels. Watering once a week, keeping the soil evenly moist, but never wet. Over-watering can be an issue with Dracaena. In the winter months, allow the soil to dry out in between watering.
Dracaena is a popular houseplant with origins in Madagascar and other Indian Ocean islands. The origin of the plant name comes from the ancient Greek word drakaina or “female dragon,” due to a red gum-like resin in the stems of dracaena that was likened to dragon blood. It is a strongly upright plant that tends to drop its lower leaves, exposing the stalk as it ages. This plant should be grown in bright indirect sunlight, but is known to tolerate lower light levels. Watering once a week, keeping the soil evenly moist, but never wet. Over-watering can be an issue with Dracaena. In the winter months, allow the soil to dry out in between watering.
Height 1 to 1.5 feet
Spread 5" to 7"
Pot Size 6" Nursery Pot
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