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Calathea Rufibarba is an elegant houseplant with a striking leaf shape and color. The many elongated leaves have a ribbed side, which gives the plant a playful effect. The tops of these leaves are shiny green. This plant is commonly called “Fuzzy Feathers,” which seems appropriate due to the leaves’ shape and the fact that the undersides have little hairs on them.
Water: Keep soil moist at all times, reducing watering in the winter by allowing the top layer of soil to dry between watering.
Soil: Use soil with good drainage
Light: Partial shade to indirect sunlight.
Fertilizer: Add liquid fertilizer every 2 weeks. You can also add slow-release fertilizer pellets to the soil mix when planting or repotting.
Calathea Rufibarba is an elegant houseplant with a striking leaf shape and color. The many elongated leaves have a ribbed side, which gives the plant a playful effect. The tops of these leaves are shiny green. This plant is commonly called “Fuzzy Feathers,” which seems appropriate due to the leaves’ shape and the fact that the undersides have little hairs on them.
Water: Keep soil moist at all times, reducing watering in the winter by allowing the top layer of soil to dry between watering.
Soil: Use soil with good drainage
Light: Partial shade to indirect sunlight.
Fertilizer: Add liquid fertilizer every 2 weeks. You can also add slow-release fertilizer pellets to the soil mix when planting or repotting.
Height - 4 to 5 inches
Spread - 3 to 4 inches
Pot - 5 inch nursery pot
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